One month old

Even though it is Grant's one month birthday, he spent this past week celebrating both mine and Matt's birthdays with us. He even slept for 5 hours straight the night before my birthday, and that was all I wanted! Also this week, Grant went to his very first bridal shower (even if it was only for a few minutes right at the end just so Matt could come and eat some of the leftovers!). This week Matt and I took Grant for his one month check up which was when we found out that he already weighs 11 pounds! I'm completely not joking when I say that I feel like all he does is eat! His doctor said that everything else looked absolutely wonderful with him. However, because he was a breach is routine for him to get an ultrasound to check on his hips. A lot of breach babies have hip problems from laying in that position while inside the womb, but after taking him for an ultrasound...they said his hips were fine. : )

Oh...and how could I forget?!...Grant had his first and second trip to the mall this past week! He was a natural there...just like his mom.

Three weeks old

This was one of Grant's most busy weeks so far! He has decided that he likes to stay awake instead of sleep which has made it extremely fun for me while Matt is at work during the day. Grant and I have had many conversations about sleep and how he should take advantage of it now, but he just doesn't want to listen to his mother. New this week is that Grant's godmother, Mandy, babysat him for a few hours while Matt and I ran some errands. He slept the entire time and it was just enough to make a liar out of me when I tell people that he never wants to sleep for me during the day! Grant also went to his first Chuck'E'Cheese birthday party! His cousin, Savanna, turned two years old and (again!)...he pretty much slept through the entire birthday party (even while being passed around from person to person!). Also, Grant was extremely busy this week making sure that I had the most wonderful Mother's Day EVER. He talked Dad into making my favorite breakfast for me that morning which was delicious! Then, Grant also got me a very touching card, beautiful flowers, a picture frame of the two of us and a necklace with his initial on it. What a great kid! : )

Two weeks old

Grant is two weeks old, and we still have no idea where the time has gone! New this week is that Matt went back to work and it's just me and Grant during the day now. On Matt's first day back at work, Grant was awake from 7:00 am until 9:00 pm! I have no idea how he stayed awake for that long, but I'm pretty sure he did it because he was looking for his daddy. : ) We have also now taken Grant on his first walk! Matt and I have taken him and Oscar on a few walks this week when the weather was nice outside, and Grant absolutely loved the bumps of the sidewalk. They put him to sleep immediately. Also new this week was that Grandma and Grandpa Gestl babysat him for the first time. Matt and I went to a wedding, and it was my first time away from Grant since he was conceived! I cried a little as we drove away, thought about him all night long and only stayed at the wedding for a few hours...but it was really nice to have a night away with Matt and our friends. I just don't think we want to go away again anytime real soon! : )

One week old

Well, Grant is already one week old and we don't even know where this last week has gone!! This has probably been the fastest week of our entire lives, but it was also the most wonderful. Grant had over 40 visitors come to meet him while in the hospital and even more people came to the house once he was home! He slept through most of the "passing around", but I know that he was happy to meet everyone. : ) He especially liked meeting his brother and sister (Oscar and Shelby). They were really great with him when we brought him home which set mine and Matt's minds at ease a lot! A few days ago Matt and I gave Grant a bath for the first time since the nurses gave him one in the hospital, and that was an unforgettable experience! He was actually grabbing my hands and pushing them away! Other than that, Grant hasn't done too much but eat, sleep, go to the bathroom and get millions of kisses.