"I'm on a Boat!"

Grant went on his very first boat ride! He was pretty crabby the entire day leading up to the boat ride because he just wasn’t sleeping very well, but he turned it all around once he was on that boat. He didn’t even mind having his life vest on! He wasn’t sure if he could move his head while it was on at first (his eyes were the only things moving for a while!), but then he realized it was ok and he was all about it! Grant even sat on Uncle Jim's lap and helped drive the boat. Thanks to Gerrie and Glenn Maass for the wonderful experience!

Happy 2nd Father's Day!

We had an absolutely wonderful Father’s Day this year. We were spending the weekend up in Shawano with the Gestl family, and we had beautiful weather up there! We all woke up and Grandma Gestl cooked a delicious breakfast. We then spent the entire rest of the day in the lake swimming, playing, squirting and going on paddle boat rides. Grandma Gestl also cooked a delicious steak dinner (which Matt had to eat in the backseat of our car because that was the only place Grant was taking his naps at this point!). I kept asking if he would like to switch with me and go inside to eat with his family, but Matt kept insisting on staying out there with Grant while he sleeps. I guess he just wanted to be with his boy on Father’s Day. I’m so blessed to have given Grant such a wonderful father.

Road Trip

Well, Grant is definitely getting his fair share of road trips these days! Thankfully, he LOVES his car seat. Our latest road trip was up to Shawano. It is about a 2 ½ hour drive, but we made it there in 3 hours. Haha…we stopped about half way at a gas station to let Grant run around for a while and burn off some energy. Then, it was back in the car! I now understand why so many families opt for putting in televisions behind the front seats in their vehicles. Our next family car will have those for sure!!

Swinging Away!

We have come to the conclusion that both Matt and I having off on Monday’s is a real treat for Grant. Almost every Monday we spend it either doing something that Grant would enjoy or buying something that Grant would enjoy. A few Mondays ago while walking aimlessly up and down the aisles of Babies ‘R Us we came across an outdoor toddler swing and had to buy it for him. We were a little unsure if he was going to like it or not, but as you can see in this video…he absolutely LOVED it! He’s been in it almost every day ever since!