Election Day

Well, Grant survived his very first presidential election day. We woke up bright and early in order to walk to the polls before I had to go to work for the day. It was a beautiful morning, and everyone working at the polls fell in love with Grant. He went into the booth with me to help me vote, however, Barack Obama/Joe Biden won the election. Though I don’t believe in the same ideologies as Obama, I am very pleased that America has elected our first African American for President. He has big shoes to fill, and I hope he does a wonderful job. After all, it is my baby’s future!


Renee said...

Hi Christine!! I came across your blog on my sister's site. You little guy is so cute and getting so big. Check out my blog too!

Ryan Family said...

What a cutie! And I like his outfit -- Very appropriate. ;)

LeAnne said...

I have to tell you that I saw you guys walking that morning to vote! Madisen's babysitter is right on 15th and Madison and I spotted you on your way - too cute!

Unknown said...

He is the cutest little pea pod ever!