The Luck of the Irish...

...was not with Grant for his first St. Patrick’s Day! The night before, Grant probably slept a total of 4 hours. This is extremely unlike him because ever since he was 8 weeks old, Grant has slept through the night almost every single night. On this particular night, we knew something was wrong because he was screaming bloody murder! What was also fan-flippin-tastic is that he could only be consoled by his “mamama”. This melted my heart at first, but after rocking him for hours on end…I would have loved to be able to tap out for a little bit so I could get some sleep. However, going on only a few hours of non-consecutive sleep, I went into work the next morning and Matt woke up with Grant at home. He said that Grant was as happy as ever in the morning and that nothing seemed to be wrong with him at all! I still wanted him to get checked out by his doctor, though, so Matt took him in at 10:30 that morning. She checked his ears twice and said that they looked fine. Then, even though he didn’t have any symptoms of strep except a slightly reddened throat, his doctor thought she would test for it anyways…and sure enough…it came back positive! I have no idea how he would catch such a thing, but if this is what Grant is like when he has strep throat, I am absolutely convinced that God has blessed me with an angel disguised as my baby.

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