Grant had his 15 month check up and it went absolutely wonderfully. He loves his pediatrician, Dr. Quejada. She informed us that Grant is still in the 95th percentile for his height (33 ¼ in.), and his weight landed him in the 60th percentile (25 lbs. 6.5 oz.) with his head being exactly the 75th percentile ever since he was born. I think he’s going to be a tall, thin boy just like what his daddy was! I think Grant is pretty much doing everything that an average 15 month old is doing. He runs just about everywhere he goes now, he climbs up onto furniture (I turned my head for a second the other day and when I looked back he was standing on top of our end table in the living room!), he is desperately trying to communicate to us in any way possible, he feeds himself if it’s something that he can pick up or stab with his fork and he gives me kisses all the time (or at least every time I ask for one). He is such a good baby. Is he still a baby? I guess he’s my little toddler now, and I can’t wait to see what the next few months have in store for us!
1 comment:
We use the same pediatrician for Charlotte!! I absolutely love her. I always feel like I'm bothering her, because I question EVERYTHING, but she is just fabulous. She came to see the baby every single day in the hospital and last week she stayed late on a Friday, so I could avoid an emergency room trip. I hope you guys have the same experience with her!
P.S - Grant is doing fabulous and its absolutely unbelievable that he is 15 months already!
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