And we will call him...

So, as most of you know, Matt and I have had a very difficult time trying to pick out a name that we both agree on. I have loved the name Grant from the very beginning, but Matt’s mind has changed about a hundred times. While vacationing in Jamaica (and with the help of our friend, Krysten) we believe we decided to call him Nolan James. However, while still in Jamaica, Matt slipped and called him Grant…TWICE! That was when I knew that I still had a glimmer of hope to have my way with the name. I never said another word until all of a sudden one day, Matt turned to me and said, “I think Grant is my favorite name.”…And we haven’t discussed any other names every since! Therefore, (for the time being, and as long as he comes out a boy!) we are settled on the name Grant Thomas Gestl. I can’t wait for you all to meet him!

Where our prince will sleep...

We have finally (kind of) finished the baby’s room! (And by “we”…I mean my mom and Matt.) My mom spent an entire weekend at our house working with Matt and making sure that everything in that room was painted perfectly. It turned out absolutely wonderful and it looks exactly like what I pictured it looking like. Now we just have to keep our fingers crossed that the ultrasound tech was correct when she told us he is a boy!

A shower to remember...

I have said it before, but I will say it again…I am truly blessed. On February 9, 2008, my “moms” threw me a baby shower. It was the most wonderful shower that I have ever seen. It took place at my favorite Italian restaurant in Oak Creek, diCarlo’s, and it included 60 of my closest friends and relatives. Everyone was a bit too generous with their gifts, but Matt & I greatly appreciate everything and everyone for being there for us. I especially appreciate my “moms” for throwing such a wonderful event, Mandy for absolutely everything (all the time she put in to making & sending out the invites, keeping up with the RSVPs, buying balloons, writing the gift list out, etc.), Ashleigh for making the super cute favors and centerpieces, Aunt Kathy for making the amazing cake, Anna for taking the millions of pictures, Kristin for organizing and helping with all the gifts, Melissa for her beautiful handwriting, Katie for always making sure my hair looks appropriate, Sandi and Aunt Cassie for helping with the “activities” (not games!) and last but certainly not least…the guys for showing up only to eat but making sure to come back to transport all the gifts at the end. It is honestly a day that I will never ever forget and it is because of all the wonderful people in my life.

What did she say?!

Ever since Matt and I started dating, I always pictured that our first child was going to be a little girl. It seems as if his generation in his family only produces far there are 8 children in the next generation and all 8 are girls! Now, fast forward to November 27, 2007, and Matt and I are sitting in the ultrasound room with my belly exposed studying images on the screen to the right of us. She then asked us if we wanted to know the sex of the baby and without question we both answered, "yes". We asummed that the ultrasound tech was going to tell us that we were having a girl (just like everyone else), and we didn't even know it but we were in for a huge shock. She looked at the image moving around and around and finally said that we were going to have a little BOY! As the tears began rolling down both mine and Matt's cheeks, all of the dreams of dancing and make-up quickly changed to cars and sports. We could not be happier, and we can not wait to see what he does with his life.

And it all hit me at once...

I will remember it clear as day for the rest of my life. It was September 4, 2007 and I woke up feeling like a truck hit me overnight. I had a case of the worst "morning sickness" that I could possibly dream up. Now you're probably thinking, "get over it, Christine", but it didn't leave until after 4 entire months! It was the longest 4 months of my life, but I know that it will all be worth it when I see the little one that my body did not originally agree with.

How it all started...

Well, I'm sure you can figure out how this whole thing started, but here is our story...

Matt and I decided to join our good friends Ashleigh and Aaron on a short trip to New York for the Lynyrd Skynyrd concert. It was August 23, 2007 and I decided (or was forced by Ashleigh) to take my third pregnancy test in the hotel room right before the concert and it FINALLY came back positive! That day quickly became one of the best days of our entire lives, and we will never think of anything else whenever we hear Free Bird. : )