One year old

So, as if turning one isn’t fun enough…we actually had some business to take care of! Grant had to go in for his one year doctor’s check-up. He loves his doctor…so I think he was looking forward to it. : )

Grant is measuring 32” long which still lands him in the upper 97th percentile for his height, and he weighs 23 lbs 10 oz which puts him in the 65th percentile for his weight. Other than statistics, we were able to tell her everything that Grant has been up to lately! He now is basically running around the house getting into anything and everything. He blows out lights and candles (which he had lots of practice with this last month!), he gives kisses (he blows you a kiss or just sticks his lips together and leans towards you), he will do sign language for “more” anytime he wants more of something, he sticks his hands up in the air whenever we say “touchdown” and he has the ability to melt my entire heart just by laying his head down on me to rest. His next doctor’s appointment is not until he is 15 months old. In the mean time, we’re going to start working on introducing him to more of our everyday food and start getting him to like drinking from a sippy cup more often.

1 comment:

Ryan Family said...

Had to go back to see if Grant still was bigger than James -- and it looks like James has eeked out a win for the 12 month visit.
33 inches, 25 lb, 6 oz.

Seriously, how could he grow this much?! :)